What Would Your Life Be Like If You Had A Clear, Proven Path To Go From $1K Months…To $1K Days?
Yes, it's possible to be prosperous AND purposeful. It's YOUR season. This is YOUR time. YOU have what it takes.
The $1K1Day Academy is an online course and community created for those who want to one day earn $1,000 consistently in their business. We believe $1K days are possible. You just need the right strategies and structure to get there.
You’re Not Looking To Get “Crazy Rich”...
You Just Want To Do Meaningful Work That Pays Well And Gives You The Breathing Room You Need To:
- Feel a sense of safety when you log in to your bank accounts
- (instead of that sick feeling you might be overdrawn)
- Say “yes”when the kids want to go to that pricey summer camp or enroll in music classes
- Not panic at life’s inevitable emergencies — like when the car breaks down or the dog has to go to the vet (because you’ve set a little extra aside)
- Finally become debt-free — and never, ever deal with another angry collection call
- Actually enjoy a family vacation, because you’re NOT wondering how you’ll pay off the credit card bill (you’ve got the cash tucked away already)
I have never seen a more dedicated, more visible, more hands-on trainer in the online academy world than Nicole Walters. She's the real deal, and her team are amazing. You won't regret working with her. Incredible value for the money!
Katie Tassone-Milligan
$1K1Day has changed my life more than I ever could have imagined! I went into this course with an open mind and ready to put all of what I had learned into my MLM. However, I gained the confidence, knowledge and resources I desperately needed to monetize myself. My MLM is just another income source now – it doesn't define me. Thank you for everything!
Elizabeth Durham
You have a set of unique skills to offer the world.
The problem?
You don’t know how to package it all up and actually MONETIZE it. On top of that, you may be confused at all the NOISE out there on the Internet...
Should you sell on Amazon? Advertise on Facebook? What about a brick & mortar business? Coaching or consulting? How about MLM?
It’s mind-boggling — so no wonder you’ve not been able to make the progress you desire in your business.
When you sign up for $1K1Day, we're giving you access to our Fierce Clarity course for FREE!
$1K1Day Isn’t Just Motivation
Here is what I will teach you in $1K1Day:
Pre-Work |
Welcome Message |
Facebook Group |
Richfriends |
Nicole’s Quit Day |
Your Quit Day |
Getting Started |
Act Like a Business |
Coin Collective |
Website Building |
Naming Your Business |
Legal |
Tools of the Trade |
Module 1 |
Income Stream 1 |
Pricing |
Leverage Yourself Toolkit |
Scheduling |
Module 2 |
Income Stream #2 |
Products |
Pricing |
Module 3 |
Income Stream #3 |
Doorbell Method |
Turbo Opt-In |
Your Instructor
After spending over a decade at Fortune 500 companies, Nicole Walters turned her part-time side hustle into a full-time business. Leveraging her business development expertise, she and her team design immersive learning programs that help entrepreneurs establish profitable and purposeful businesses. Step-by-step, participants learn how to go from idea to implementation. Walters offers transformative resources that inspire people to not only build the business and life they love, but to leave a legacy.
Cycle 10 enrollment is open now.
After enrollment closes again it might not be open again for an entire year.